At a time when the banking sector is investing into attracting female applicants, you can imagine my delight when a highly talented female loans administration candidate, whom I have placed on two previous occasions, contacted me to say she is keen to return to work after having her first baby. I receive a request from a candidate each and every week asking for flexible or part time working (3-4 days per week) so this is not an uncommon occurrence as a recruiter in the loans and trade finance industry. Sadly, I knew from experience that I would not be able to support her.
Part time roles are rarely offered
In the past 17 years I have only received 3 part time roles within loan operations.
I feel let down and frustrated that I cannot help someone of her calibre return to work. At a time when the banks are actively promoting female hires, it would seem offering flexible or part time positions would go some way to help with their goals.
Tech is shaping the future of part time roles
With the endless possibilities that technology has provided I hope that in the near future our industry would be able to offer those in need of flexible working such opportunities.
I’d like to say my extensive searching has resulted in hope for my excellent candidate. Instead, I find myself having to contact her and advise that unless she can adapt her personal/family life, I would regretfully be unable to support her moving forwards. If there are any clients in London who would be in a position to consider someone with 10 years Loans Administration/Loans Agency experience with a part-time position, we would love to hear from you.